Sponsor Chris and Jen

My GFA Story

Our family was once broken, hurting, and without hope. Through much trusting, praying, and taking one step at a time, we watched God heal and restore us. Now we are able to thrive. We serve at Gospel for Asia because our desire is to want what our Father wants: that all people would come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, to see families healed, whole and thriving, and to bring God's Kingdom to earth! This is our Father's heart.

What I do

Chris: I am a Call Center Representative. My role in the Call Center is connecting sponsors with their national worker or sponsored child, responding to emails, answering questions and assisting sponsors who call in. /Jen: I am the Production Manager. My role is to help manage the production of GFA books, newsletters, magazines and web updates. I help keep schedules and tasks on track and running smoothly.

More About Chris and Jen

Where we're from


Where I Serve

Donor Relations

Favourite Bible verse

Chris: Philippians 3:7-9 / Jen: Philippians 4:6-7

Favourite Field Ministry

Chris: Child Sponsorship / Jen: Sisters of Compassion

Hobbies and Interests

Chris: I enjoy fishing, learning to garden, playing board games, and watching all Iowa State sporting events. / Jen: I enjoy learning to garden, DIY projects, playing board games, and any time spent with her grandbabies

About Partnering with Behind-the-Scenes Missionaries

You can help provide for a member of the Mission Support Team for as little as $50 per month. For each monthly pledge to GFA World’s Behind-the-Scenes Missionary Fund, you will receive a packet that includes the photo and personal information of a behind-the-scenes missionary you can pray for and contact. (To pledge more than $50 monthly, please call us at 1-800-946-2742.)

Whatever role the team member plays in their administrative office—from contacting ministry supporters to processing donations or designing web pages—each one fills a crucial need within the ministry and enables more than 100 national missionaries to minster in Asia.

Are you from the United States?

If you would like to sponsor, donate or make a store purchase, please visit our US office page.

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